In the Tea-1 gardening, a detective agency consisting of three cats operates all year round. British Bun is the smartest and most sensible, a sort of cat-like Miss Marple. Loves to eat. Favorite phrase: “Interesting vinaigrette!” The mongrel Musya, black and white, is the kindest and most compassionate, she understands well what is in the souls of others, which is very helpful in working with witnesses. Likes to sleep. Gray Eliza, the only representative of a rare breed in the world - brave and fighting. If you need to act decisively, Eliza goes forward and leads her friends. She loves to walk around the garden, thanks to which she is the first to notice mysterious and suspicious phenomena. There are no shootings, corpses, epidemics or irreparable events in these stories. But there is humor, a lot of cats and dogs, solved riddles, corrected mistakes, restored justice and witty illustrations by Olga Gromova.
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