Andrey Usachev: Smart dog Sonya
The usual price $19.95The famous cycle of stories about the dog Sonya is a kind of visiting card of Andrey Usachev. The collection includes all the funny and full of good humor stories about the extraordinary dog Sonya and her owner Ivan Ivanovich. Sonya is a small, charming and very sensible dog. Everything in the world is interesting to her, and she loves to think about something. Funny stories often happen to her, but the dog Sonya never loses heart - after all, if you think carefully, you can find a way out of any situation!
Author: Andrey Usachev
Illustrations: Evgeny Antonenkov
Pages: 64 (offset). Hard cover
Dimensions: 205x240 mm
Series: Doggy Sonya
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-дошкольников, Жанр_авторские-сказки, Жанр_сказки-о-животных, Жанр_собаки, Жанр_юмористическая-проза, Категория_художественная-проза, Происхождение_россия, Язык_русский