Watercolor honey "Classic", 24 colors (with a brush)
The usual price $9.95High-quality paint for children's creativity, made according to a classic recipe using natural ingredients (honey, molasses, vegetable glue) based on high-class light-resistant pigments with the addition of food preservatives. There is honey in the watercolor, which greatly improves its quality and appearance. The paint has bright, pure colors, is transparent when applied, without inclusions. Perfectly blurs and spreads over the surface of the paper. Paints are mixed with each other, while maintaining color saturation. The paint is easily washed off hands and clothes. Shelf-life Unlimited.
Dimensions: 232x106x14 mm
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-всех-возрастов, Жанр_поделки-и-творчество, Жанр_товары-для-творчества, Категория_товары-для-творчества-и-канцелярия, Язык_русский