Guzel Yakhina: Zuleikha opens her eyes

Guzel Yakhina: Zuleikha opens her eyes

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The novel "Zuleikha opens her eyes" begins in the winter of 1930 in a remote Tatar village. The peasant woman Zuleikha, along with hundreds of other settlers, is sent in a heating wagon along the eternal hard labor route to Siberia.
Dense peasants and Leningrad intellectuals, the declassed element and criminals, Muslims and Christians, pagans and atheists, Russians, Tatars, Germans, Chuvashs - all will meet on the banks of the Angara, daily defending their right to life from the taiga and the ruthless state.
Dedicated to all the dispossessed and displaced.

Author: Guzel Yakhina

Pages: 512 (offset). Hard cover

Dimensions: 207x134x28 mm