Rob Scotton: Kitten Shmyak and Cheesecake. The Big Book of Friendship Stories

Rob Scotton: Kitten Shmyak and Cheesecake. The Big Book of Friendship Stories

Price after a discount $27.95

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Shmyak is a favorite of adults and children around the world!

Stories about a fluffy black kitten and his mouse friend Syrnik are ideal for first reading - large print, simple short sentences will not scare the baby, and funny stories will keep attention and interest.

The collection includes the books "Shmyak the Kitten and the Brother Mice", "Shmyak the Kitten in the Amusement Park", "Shmyak the Kitten. Rain, Rain, Stop it", "Shmyak the Kitten - Little Scout", "Shmyak the Kitten - Caring Brother".

Author: Rob Scotton

Pages: 160 (offset). Hard cover

Dimensions: 236x155x15 mm

Series: Kitten Shmyak