Dinosaurs in comics. Volume 2
The usual price $29.95The second volume of the French series "Dinosaurs in comics" by screenwriter Arnaud Plumeri and artist Bloz continues a fascinating story about the life of these giant reptiles ... But stop! Why does it have to be gigantic? A cute compsognat, for example, is the size of a chicken. The cute bambiraptor (imagine, there is such a one!) is a little larger, but also by no means a giant. And the velociraptors, well known to everyone from films, do not exceed a couple of meters in height. What a difference Apatosaurus - 29 meters in length and 30 tons of live weight! And the Argentinosaurus? 35 meters and 80 tons (and according to some reports, all 100)! By the way, the names of dinosaurs are a different story. How do you, for example, eustreptospondyl? What about brachytrachelophan? Or even worse - a micropachycephalosaurus!
Yes, paleontologists can’t refuse humor - and there is a gag about this in the book too. However, paleontologists did not always have fun: the "bone wars" that flared up in the USA in the second half of the 19th century between the two largest fossil experts of that time were ruthless and merciless, like the jaws of a hungry tyrannosaurus rex. How did they end? You will also learn about this from this book. As well as why the concavenator needs a hump, therizinosaurus needs 70-centimeter claws, the spinosaurus needs a bone sail on its back, and the apatosaurus needs stones in the stomach. Or maybe you won’t find out - after all, paleontologists themselves are not always sure of their versions!
Pages: 56 (coated). Hard cover
Dimensions: 290x215x11 mm
Series: Dinosaurs in comics
Collection: Comics publishing house "Walk into history"ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-младшего-школьного-возраста, Жанр_динозавры, Жанр_о-животных-и-о-природе, Жанр_познавательные-комиксы, Категория_комиксы, Язык_русский