Myth. Great Icarus. Volume 2
The usual price $29.95 Imagine for a moment that the heroes of Greek myths became children. Well, or they just didn’t grow up (after all, they were once small too)! Represented? Then - on the road to Ancient Greece! And French authors will help you make this journey through time and space - screenwriter Christophe Kaznov (familiar to Russian readers from the series "Insects in comics" and "Sea animals in comics"), artist Larbier and colorists Alexander Amurik and Mirabel.
Whether you are a hero or even a god, no one else will do your deeds for you! And this despite the fact that in the time free from preparation for future exploits, it would also be good to help friends: feed Midas, help Sisyphus ... you can’t remember everything! But what will come of it, you will learn from the new book about the adventures of myths.
Author: Christoph Kaznov
Pages: 56 (coated). Hard cover
Dimensions: 293x217x13mm
Series: Myth
Collection: Comics publishing house "Walk into history"
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-младшего-школьного-возраста, Жанр_мифология-и-религия, Жанр_познавательные-комиксы, Категория_комиксы, Язык_русский