Brain. science comic

Brain. science comic

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How is the human brain arranged and what allows it to control our entire body? With the help of what does the body orient itself in space, perceive speech, and recognize danger? How does memory work and why can't we always remember something?

Join Fahama, the mad Cerebrus, and his zombie assistant as you peer into the human brain, the world's most advanced operating system!

The comic will tell what cells the brain is made of, how they interact and how it affects us. You will learn:

How did the brain develop?

How is the brain connected to how we feel?

- how not to succumb to stupid ideas that sometimes come to our mind;

- is it true that it is the brain that tells us that it is time to sleep, drink or eat;

Why is it important to learn something new?

- how we remember and why we can not always remember something.

Author: Tori Woolcott

Pages: 128 (offset). Hard cover

Dimensions: 222x160x14mm

Series: Science comic