Insects in comics. Volume 6
The usual price $29.95Did you know that bees can count, that bumblebees have an “economy mode” of flight, or that cockroaches have mastered karate techniques with which they fight off parasitic wasps?
Or maybe you are familiar with the lichen grasshopper or the maple peacock eye? No?.. Then quickly open the sixth volume of "Insects in comics"!
Agriculture and insects: enemies... or still friends? "Of course friends!" - say the authors of the 6th volume of the French series "Insects in comics". The main thing is to learn to think like insects, and then this friendship will not only please, but also bring profit: after all, whatever one may say, the main goal of agriculture is production, and production is impossible without profit. As we already know from previous volumes, the life of insects is one continuous struggle for existence, in which almost every species acts both as a victim and as a predator at the same time, depending on the stage of the life cycle and the characteristics of the local food chain. So why not use this fact to your advantage?.. There would be a desire!
However, raising such a serious topic, the authors do not forget about humor, which has become a trademark not only of this series, but of the entire collection. So, on the pages of the next volume, you will meet new hilarious characters, including a lichen grasshopper, a golden bronze, a maple peacock, a lantern ... and a whole family of weevils!
Pages: 56 (coated). Hard cover
Dimensions: 293x216x10 mm
Series: Insects in comics
Collection: Comics publishing house "Walk into history"
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-младшего-школьного-возраста, Жанр_насекомые, Жанр_о-животных-и-о-природе, Категория_комиксы, Язык_русский