Scott Meirgrid: Robots. science comic
The usual price $24.95/
Take Puli, the first mechanical bird, on a journey through the history of robotics, from tea-serving puppets in ancient Japan to modern-day rovers. You will learn who invented the first robot, how a robot differs from a drone, how simple and complex home assistants work, how the rover works, how to program a robot, and much more.
And most importantly, this book can become an inspiration for a new generation of engineers and robot programmers!
Author: Scott Meirgrid
Illustrations: Jacob Chabot
Pages: 128 (offset). Hard cover
Dimensions: 220x160x15mm
Series: Science comic
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-всех-возрастов, Жанр_наука-и-техника, Жанр_познавательные-комиксы, Жанр_роботы, Категория_комиксы, Язык_русский