A set of speech therapy cards "We train pronunciation: the sounds R and R"

A set of speech therapy cards "We train pronunciation: the sounds R and R"

The usual price $6.95

The item is almost out of stock, only 9 left

Entertaining cards are designed to automate the correct pronunciation of the sounds [Р] and [Р'], the development of auditory attention and speech hearing. Card games contribute to the development of the ability to correctly compose a phrase, divide words into syllables, read two-syllable words; improve spatial thinking, develop an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bparts and the integrity of an object. Work with plot pictures is aimed at activating the cognitive activity of children, developing sensory functions, spatial representations and visual attention.

There are 48 cards in the set with which you can play 4 games.

Dimensions: 168x85x20mm

Series: Entertaining speech therapy cards