Zdenek Miler: Mole. Big Book

Zdenek Miler: Mole. Big Book

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You can meet Mole and his friends on the pages of this book. The Big Book of the Mole contains the most favorite stories about heroes: "The Mole and the Pants", "The Mole and the TV", "The Mole and the Car" and "The Mole and the Rocket".
A book with a large number of illustrations from cartoons about Mole, supplemented by text about the adventures of heroes - what you need so that the little reader does not get tired. This book can simply be viewed as a picture book, telling your story about the characters with illustrations with your child, or you can invite the child to read on their own.

Author: Zdenek Miler

Pages: 204 (offset). Hard cover

Dimensions: 265x200x15mm

Series: Mole