Faber, Mazlish: How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk
The usual price $12.95Everyone has problems in relationships with children. "Why don't you listen, why are you behaving like this?" - such reproaches are familiar to every child. And every parent sometimes feels powerless when they cannot "get through" to their son or daughter. But maybe the whole point is that adults do not always know how to convey their thoughts and feelings to the child and how to understand him?
This book is a sensible, understandable, well-written guide on how to properly communicate with children (from preschoolers to teenagers). No boring theory! Only proven practical recommendations and a lot of live examples for all occasions!
The authors, world-famous experts in the field of parent-child relations, share with the reader both their own experience (each of them has three adult children) and the experience of numerous parents who attended their seminars.
The book will be of interest to anyone who wants to come to a complete understanding with children and stop "generational conflicts" forever.
Authors: Adele Faber , Elaine Mazlish
Pages: 336 (newspaper). Soft cover.
Dimensions: 200x126x21 mm
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-взрослых, Жанр_книги-для-родителей, Категория_нон-фикшн, Язык_русский