Lyudmila Petranovskaya: Secret support. Attachment in a child's life
The usual price $14.95"We all come from childhood," wrote one well-known French writer and pilot. However, before we achieve independence, we can hardly do without adults. In her new book, Lyudmila Petranovskaya, based on the scientific theory of attachment, easily and clearly talks about the role of parents on the path to growing up: "How dependence and helplessness turn into maturity, how our love and care, year after year, form a secret support in a child, on which , as on a pivot, his personality rests? After reading this book, you will not only be able to see what is really behind children's "whims", "spoiledness", "aggression", "bad temper", but also understand how to help your child grow and develop without spending strength to fight for your love.
Author: Lyudmila Petranovskaya
Pages: 288 (offset). Soft cover
Dimensions: 200x140x15 mm
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