Elena Ul'eva: Everything that is important for a child to know. 3 years. 365 fun games and educational tasks for every day

Elena Ul'eva: Everything that is important for a child to know. 3 years. 365 fun games and educational tasks for every day

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From the age of three, the child intensively develops and improves speech, thinking and perception of himself as a person. It is during this period that the baby learns the main number of words, judgments, concepts that he then uses throughout his life. In order not to miss the moment, take the book “Everything that is important for a child to know. 3 years. 365 fun games and educational tasks for every day" and go on an exciting journey, built in the form of a walking game.

The tasks in the manual are given from simple to complex. Therefore, the kid will not be able to go further in the game until he answers the question which figure, letter or number met on the way. But having overcome all the trials and having reached the end of the tale, his joy will know no bounds! At each lesson, the child will receive tasks for the development of all the necessary skills and abilities: acquires new knowledge, trains attention and memory, develops logic, speech, fine motor skills and imagination.

Everything a child needs to know book. 3 years. 365 fun games and educational tasks for every day” is a real treasure for caring parents! You no longer need to look for educational aids for your baby. All possible tasks aimed at the comprehensive development of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities have already been collected here by our expert, an experienced teacher with 20 years of experience, Elena Uleva. A full range of tasks and games for the harmonious development of the child, fairy tales familiar from childhood and cute characters will make the learning process of the baby fun and useful.

Author: Elena Uleva

Pages: 96 (offset). Soft cover

Dimensions: 290x210 mm