Elena Ul'eva: Everything that is important for a child to know. 5 years. 365 fun games and educational tasks
The usual price $17.95You no longer have to persuade the child to study! An incredible and super-useful novelty is the game book “Everything that is important for a child to know. 5 years. 365 fun games and educational tasks for every day” is a complete annual course for the development of a five-year-old child! The author's methodology for the development of the child's intellect is now collected in one manual!
Everything a child needs to know book. 5 years. 365 fun games and educational tasks for every day" will captivate your child, because this is learning in fairy tales! Each spread of the book is a cheerful, bright story with tasks for the comprehensive development of the child. The book contains 35 fascinating fairy tales - an exciting journey built in the form of a walker game, as well as interesting stories and cute characters that will certainly interest the little fidget. A convenient structure of the manual and a guide for parents will make the development mechanism understandable and effective.
With this book, learning will be not only fun, but also conscious: the child will not be able to advance further in the game until he answers the question of which figure, letter or number met on the way. But when your child overcomes all the trials, completes the tasks and gets to the end of the fairy tale, his joy will know no bounds!
All exercises and tasks are combined into special blocks on topics or are aimed at developing a skill and consolidating the acquired knowledge. The material on each spread is presented in such a way that parents can immediately see what the child will learn in this lesson, what they have to work on. Tasks are based on the principle of accessibility: starting with simple concepts, the baby learns more and more complex ones, while developing several skills at once, which makes classes interesting, varied and non-fatiguing.
Author: Elena Uleva
Pages: 96 (offset). Soft cover
Dimensions: 290x210 mm
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-дошкольников, Жанр_активити, Категория_обучалки-и-развлекалки, Язык_русский