Lyudmila and Leonid Odintsov: Come with the dog

Lyudmila and Leonid Odintsov: Come with the dog

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Indy is a collie, one of the thousands of pets of city dwellers. Dzhulbars is a cross between a Russian canine greyhound and a shepherd dog (or even a wolf), an excellent hunter who helped his master more than once during the war.
There are books that cover huge time layers: the fates of the characters are intertwined, despite the years and distances. In such works you fail with your head. We learn about what happened to the heroes of this story, Nikita and his grandfather, through the fate of two dogs - different breeds and with different characters, but equally devoted to their owners.
Stories about dogs are always stories about endless devotion and true friendship. Often they are based on real events. So Lyudmila Odintsova from childhood listened to her father's stories about his wonderful dog Dzhulbars and fell in love with them so much that she decided to create a book based on these stories. Leonid Odintsov wrote down his memoirs, and Lyudmila supplemented them with the storyline of Nikita and Indy.

Author: Lyudmila Odintsova, Leonid Odintsov

Illustrations: Olga Avkhadeeva

Pages: 112 (offset). Hard cover

Dimensions: 225x175x11 mm