Anya Dobrochasova: Ponytail at school, or first-grader stories of Sonya Grushina

Anya Dobrochasova: Ponytail at school, or first-grader stories of Sonya Grushina

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The events of this book took place before Malek appeared in the Grushin family, and just when Sonya, nicknamed Tail, became a first-grader! Of course, at first she was a little uncomfortable. But as soon as she realized how many funny adventures awaited her, how many friends she would find at school, then there was no trace of her fears! Firstly, the road to school itself is full of magic. Secondly, at school they teach not only to read, write and count, but also to discover talents in themselves.
And funny incidents seem to be pouring into a backpack!

Author: Anya Dobrochasova

Pages: 64 (offset). Hard cover

Dimensions: 170x215 mm