Natalya Markelova: Beware 2 "A"! All the adventures of noble hooligans

Natalya Markelova: Beware 2 "A"! All the adventures of noble hooligans

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Who just does not study in 2 "A"! And the bully Mishka Kurochkin, and the excellent student Sveta Ivankina, and Zhenya Yunochkin are the main humorist at the school. Why, there is even his own Vasilisa the Wise. Something constantly happens to their friendly class. Either they drop a vase with a flower from the window, or they bring a kitten to a lesson, or they stain a new student’s notebook with ink. And once, in general, a talent competition was not disrupted, can you imagine? But the guys have a good heart, and all the hooligans in their class are noble and honest. And therefore, no one on 2 "A" is offended. How does this happen, you ask? Open the book and find out for yourself!

Author: Natalia Markelova

Pages: 192 (offset). Hard cover

Dimensions: 17x22 cm