Victoria Lederman: Only eleven! or Shura-mura in the fifth "D"
The usual price $19.95For love - the first in life! - Yegor and Nikita are ready for anything. Buy a huge bouquet of flowers with the accumulated money, fill the only one with unique gifts, miraculously get a ticket to the concert she wants - please! That's just friends fell in love with the same girl - new in the fifth "D", Angelina. Why are there tickets and flowers: which of them is ready to risk their lives for the sake of their beloved, and what is more expensive - love or male friendship? It doesn't matter that they are only eleven: feelings are real! And the non-standard nature of the object of their love only proves that everything in this life happens in an adult way, and this is not at all easy.
The new book by Victoria Lederman is written in the form of alternating monologues of the three main characters. The narrative switches either to the reflections of Angelina, who craves attention and deftly manipulates her classmates, or to the throwing of the good-natured hooligan Yegor, or to the experiences of the reflective "nerd" Nikita. The reader, on the other hand, gets a rare opportunity in children's literature to understand and feel each character "from the inside", without associating himself with just one person. Following the evolution of Egor, Nikita and Angelina, their thoughts and feelings is a fascinating and exciting process!
Eternal for adult and unusual for children's literature, the plot - a love triangle - is experienced by its participants at the age of eleven as sharply as at an older age. Through the recognizable realities of our days - supermarkets, social networks, computer games - details that have migrated from children's classics appear: boyish heroism, a sense of elbow, characters tempered from page to page. And the story about modern fifth-graders suddenly turns out to be a bridge to inner growth and maturation.
Author: Victoria Lederman
Illustrations: Olga Gromova
Pages: 128 (offset). Hard cover
Dimensions: 217x145x10 mm
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-среднего-школьного-возраста, Жанр_реалистические-повести-и-рассказы, Категория_художественная-проза, Происхождение_россия, Язык_русский