Magnetic mosaic "Stuff", 42 details
The usual price $9.95The soft magnetic field 23.5x14.5 cm of pale blue color is lined with thin lines in the manner of "millimeter" paper. This is done to make it easier for the child to position the mosaic elements on the field. The field looks like paper, although magnetic elements are attracted to it, since a special "soft iron" is glued inside the field. The mosaic kit includes a block of chips and elements made of magnetic vinyl, foamed polymer and cardboard. There are 42 of them in a set. They are bright and different shapes. They look somewhat unusual for a mosaic and are very popular with kids.
Dimensions: 255x185x30mm
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-дошкольников, Жанр_магнитные-игры, Жанр_мозаика, Жанр_развивающие-игрушки, Категория_игрушки, Язык_русский