Georg Johanson: Mulle Meck makes an airplane
The usual price $24.95Mulle, together with his dog Buffa, traveled the world for a long time - first by car, then by boat. And so they sailed to an unfamiliar rocky shore, and there they come across an abandoned bicycle repair shop. All around different pieces of iron, rusty bolts and other rubbish. Mulle cannot pass by such wealth! They thought with Buffa, thought, and decided to make a plane in order to return home as soon as possible.
Author: Georg Johanson
Illustrations: Jens Album
Translation: Liliana Zatolokina
Pages: 36 (offset). Hard cover
Dimensions: 275x215x10 mm
Series: Mulle Mek
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-дошкольников, Жанр_наука-и-техника, Жанр_транспорт, Категория_художественная-проза, Происхождение_северная-европа, Язык_русский