Georg Johanson: Mulle Mek and the Lights of the Circus
The usual price $27.95One day, an elderly, gloomy stranger arrives in the small town where Mulle Mek, his friends and neighbors live. It turned out that it was none other than Benny Brambilla, director of the world famous circus. For some time now, his strength has dried up, and he fell into black despondency. Instead of putting on a fun, noisy performance, Benny Brambila now quietly weaves baskets and sells them in the market. “At least they are of some use,” he says.
The inhabitants of the town are sure that the sad old man can be helped. It is only necessary to restore his faith in himself and his art. This idea inspired all the townspeople so much that no one wanted to stay away. Everyone hurried to make a feasible contribution.
Mulle Mek and his friends helped Benny Brambilla cheer up and even set up his own circus school. At the same time, Mulle converted Benny's old car into an environmentally friendly electric car and made a trailer van for him so that the maestro could travel around the world and give people joy.
Author: Georg Johanson
Illustrations: Jens Album
Translation: Liliana Zatolokina
Pages: 36 (offset). Hard cover
Dimensions: 263x202x7 mm
Series: Mulle Mek