Getting ready for school with Chevostik. Games with letters. 4+
The usual price $12.95The "Letter Games" notebook is intended for children who are already familiar with letters and can write a little.
With its help, the child will:
- strengthen the writing skill;
- remember the graphic image of the letter;
- learn to assemble letters into words;
- lay the foundation for learning to read;
- guessing puzzles and codes, will train logical thinking and memory.
The notebook consists of many diverse tasks that gradually become more complex. Pictures with hidden letters, “strings” in which letters must be combined into words, missing letters that must be returned to a word, crosswords, puzzles and much more. All these tasks will help the child remember the letters better.
By completing fun tasks with Chevostik and collecting rewards, the child will love learning and will understand that learning new things is not only useful, but also exciting. And this will help him study at school more easily and complete his homework without whims.
Pages: 48 (offset). Paperback
Dimensions: 255x195x5 mm
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-дошкольников, Жанр_активити, Жанр_обучение-чтению, Жанр_развивающие-пособия, Жанр_чевостик, Категория_обучалки-и-развлекалки, Язык_русский