40 windows. Where the babies come from
40 windows. Where the babies come from
40 windows. Where the babies come from
40 windows. Where the babies come from
40 windows. Where the babies come from

40 windows. Where the babies come from

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Common price $21.95

How does the baby get into the mother's tummy? Who hid in the mother kangaroo's pouch and when are baby elephants born?
The book will answer the most interesting questions about how people, animals, birds and fish have children!

What is inside?
- more than 40 windows;
- large illustrations;
- answers under the windows to the most interesting questions about where babies come from.

Where the babies come from?
How are children born?
When are children born?
What do babies need?
How do children grow up?
Who will I be?

Pages: 12. Cardboard

Dimensions: 222x192 mm

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