Alexander Belyaev: Amphibian Man

Alexander Belyaev: Amphibian Man

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A sci-fi novel by Alexander Belyaev tells the story of a brilliant Argentinean surgeon named Salvator, whom the locals called God. And for good reason, because Salvator not only heals people and saves lives, but, as befits a god, creates new living creatures, amazing and unlike anyone else. One of them was Ichthyander, a young man capable of living under water, whom Salvator hid from prying eyes for a long time. And the life of an amphibious man would have remained a mystery if one day he had not met a beautiful girl... The exciting novel by Alexander Belyaev, published in the School Library series by the Omega publishing house, is addressed to children of middle school age. The text of the work is presented without abbreviations, printed on good paper in large type and contains colorful illustrations.

Author: Alexander Belyaev

Illustrations: Olga Pustovoit

Pages: 224 offset). Hard cover

Dimensions: 147x210x13 mm