Anastasia Orlova: The car has a driver
Do you want your child to see a real fairy tale? Would you like to take a peek into your childhood?
Our youngest reader is growing up, getting on his feet, and everything is interesting to him, he wants to try everything and find out everything as soon as possible. Together with the book "The car has a driver" by Anastasia Orlova, you can tell your child about different professions in a playful way. A cute poem, plus a memorable visual image - Anna Permyakova's illustrations will tell funny stories about the professions of a cook, a hairdresser, a pilot, a seamstress, a doctor, and even a perfumer and dog handler!
Together with the book, you can not only learn about different professions, but also play each of them. A child can easily try on the role of an architect or a driver, because both in poems and in pictures the main characters are not adults, but children!
Author: Anastasia Orlova
Illustrations: Anna Permyakova
Pages: 12. Cardboard
Dimensions: 160x160x7mm
Series: A Reader Is Born
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-самых-маленьких, Жанр_профессии, Категория_стихи, Происхождение_россия, Язык_русский