Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky: Monday starts on Saturday
The usual price $17.95"Monday begins on Saturday. A fairy tale for young scientists" - under this heading, a book was published in 1965, which was read and continues to be read by more and more new generations. Its heroes, employees of NIICHAVO, the Research Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry, are magicians and masters, young enthusiasts, burning with the desire to know the world and transform it in the best possible way. Many amazing adventures and amazing discoveries await them along the way. A time machine and a hut on chicken legs, the cultivation of an artificial person and the pacification of a genie released from a bottle - the reader will not get bored!
Authors: Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky
Pages: 320 (offset). Hard cover
Dimensions: 186x120x22 mm
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-взрослых, Для среднего школьного возраста, Жанр_фэнтези-и-фантастика, Категория_художественная-проза, Происхождение_советский-союз, Язык_русский