Enid Blyton: Mystery of the Abandoned Lighthouse
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Every night in bad weather, a strange light is seen in the same place on the seashore. What is it, a ghost of the past? Or have the legendary days returned when robbers lured ships to the reefs? It must have been one of the locals involved. The famous five are determined to find out!
Author: Enid Blyton
Illustrations: Eileen Alice Soper
Translation: Alexander Kormashov
Pages: 256 (offset). Hard cover
Dimensions: 125x200
Series: The Fab Five
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-среднего-школьного-возраста, Жанр_детективы, Жанр_реалистические-повести-и-рассказы, Категория_художественная-проза, Происхождение_западная-европа, Язык_русский