Elena Ul'eva: Tales about emotions. Why am I ashamed?

Elena Ul'eva: Tales about emotions. Why am I ashamed?

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The book "Tales about emotions. Why am I ashamed?" will help parents to understand the feelings of the baby, and the baby - to understand and accept their own emotions and the feelings of others. What is the child really experiencing? Angry, envious or ashamed? Short tales will tell about what can actually happen to a child in a given situation. Understanding these emotions will teach the baby to be friends with them and control them.
“The Tale of How One Little Squirrel Wanted to Grow Up” will tell you why you feel ashamed in front of your mother for your unreasonable actions, and “The Tale of the Bunny Who Couldn’t Wait” will tell you what can be done so that you are not ashamed if you messed up. At the end of the book, questions are prepared for the baby, answering which he not only plays, but also consolidates the material covered.
Read Tales of Emotions. Why am I ashamed?" to the baby, ask him to portray the emotion that is described in the fairy tale, and then offer to smile. Teach your child to deal with negative emotions and change them into positive ones. This skill will come in handy many times in his life!

Author: Elena Uleva

Pages: 24 (coated). Hard cover

Dimensions: 187x176x6mm

Series: Tales of Emotions