Where, what and when? Encyclopedia for the Curious

Where, what and when? Encyclopedia for the Curious

The usual price $19.95

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The world around us is constantly and very rapidly changing. And it is quite natural that the questions of young "why" are becoming more complex and diverse.
What is evolution? Why do mountains have sharp peaks? How are seas different from oceans? What are "black smokers"? What is the largest fish? Who is Lucy? Why are cacti thorny? Why do mosquitoes squeak? What is a snowboard?
The encyclopedia will answer these and many other children's questions that often baffle adults. A lively, child-friendly language of presentation of the material, combined with a huge number of funny illustrations, will make reading both informative and exciting.

Pages: 256 (offset). Hard cover

Dimensions: 223x183x20 mm

Series: Encyclopedia for the Curious