Glenn Doman: Educational cards "Water inhabitants"
The usual price $9.95/
160 facts
20 tasks
20 riddles
Stimulates for cognitive activity
Expands understanding of the world around
Develops thinking, memory, attention, imagination
Develops articulatory motor skills
The set includes 20 cards: Shark, whale, dolphin, parrot fish, clown fish, crab, jellyfish, crayfish, octopus, starfish, stingray, turtle, piranha, salmon, tuna, eel, hammerhead shark, zebra fish , seahorse, moray eel.
On the back of each card you will find:
- 10 entertaining facts;
- 2 tasks for the child;
- 2 riddles
Author: Glenn Doman
Dimensions: 165x175x15 mm
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-самых-маленьких, Жанр_карточки-домана, Жанр_подводный-мир, Категория_настольные-игры, Язык_русский