Ivan Efremov: On the edge of the ecumene
The usual price $59.95 Would you like to go on a long and dangerous journey through amazing Africa? Immerse yourself in the secrets and mysteries of Ancient Egypt? The outstanding science fiction writer Ivan Antonovich Efremov leads his reader into the depths of time, forcing him to experience exciting and exciting adventures along with the heroes of the book.
The great pharaoh Djedefra wanted to know the whole immensity of the world and sent a sea expedition to the south under the command of his treasurer Baurged to look for the distant and mysterious country of Punt. And the young sculptor Pandion, captivated by the beauty of art, leaves his beloved in his homeland and goes to Crete to get acquainted with the ancient culture of this island. Hard trials and hardships fall on the lot of the young man, and soon his only thought is the desire to return home ...
Author: Ivan Efremov
Illustrations: Oleg Pakhomov
Pages: 384 (coated). Hard cover
Dimensions: 265x215x23 mm
Series: Adventureland
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ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-среднего-школьного-возраста, Жанр_история, Жанр_приключенческая-литература, Категория_художественная-проза, Происхождение_советский-союз, Язык_русский