Magdalena High: Nightmare shop and missing teeth. Book 2

Magdalena High: Nightmare shop and missing teeth. Book 2

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Ninny has already settled into the Nightmare Shop. She happily decorates voodoo dolls with needles and easily rubs giggling skulls to a shine. And then an unusual visitor looked in - the enamored vampire Lucas. He is, of course, charming. But this, however, is somewhat zhu-u-duck ... Well, someone was lucky! However, Ninny wouldn't flinch at that. She will help the enamored vampire Lucas, who has lost his teeth, go to win the heart of his beloved in all its glory.
"Nightmare Store and Missing Teeth" is the long-awaited continuation of the story of Ninny, who always dreamed of working in such a creepy store.

Author: Magdalena Chai

Illustrations: Teemu Yuhani

Translation: Anna Sidorova

Pages: 56 (offset). Hard cover

Dimensions: 235x168x8 mm