Mifyata. Crete rules. Volume 8

Mifyata. Crete rules. Volume 8

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Welcome to Crete! In ancient history, this island is known as the cradle of the powerful Minoan civilization, which, according to most scientists, ended with a volcanic eruption and the devastating tsunami it caused. Zeus was also born on Crete (although this statement is not considered indisputable): the guides will be happy to show you the Psychro Cave and Mount Ida, which have long been fighting for the right to be considered the cradle of the Olympian Thunderer... However, Crete also has plenty of other legendary places - sanctuaries, caves, ruins... And yet its main pearl is the famous Knossos Palace, and the main pearl of the Knossos Palace is the even more famous labyrinth, built by the great ancient architect and jack of all trades Daedalus by order of King Minos. According to the plan, the labyrinth was supposed to become a prison for the ominous Minotaur - a terrible monster, half-man, half-bull, who terrified everyone and everything. Although... wait, stop, wait, that will be some time soon! In the meantime, Tavrik is the sweetest creature, perhaps a little lazy, a little disorganized, and a little naughty... The main roles in the next volume of “Mythyat”, the French authors Kaznov and Larbier assign to the characters of ancient Greek myths, one way or another connected with the history of the Cretan kingdom: to the almighty King Minos, his wife Pasiphae, their daughter Ariadne... And yet, as usual, Tavrik plays the first violin! And the rest of the Mythians, regulars of the series beloved by readers, help him: Atlas, Hercules, Aphrodite, Athena... Well, at the end of the book readers will find... what? A labyrinth, of course, we are in Crete!

Author: Christophe Caznov

Translation: Mikhail Khachaturov

Pages: 56 (coated). Hardcover

Dimensions: 294x215x10 mm

Series: Mifyata

Collection: Comics from the publishing house "Walk into History"