Myth. Poseidon, get out! Volume 4
The usual price $29.95 Myths continue to surprise and amaze with their tricks not only our readers, but also the formidable Poseidon, and even Zeus himself! Nobody can deal with them! Perhaps because they are still children (and not strong and powerful gods and heroes), who do not always want to perform feats, take risks or save the world. It is enough for them to eat deliciously and lie in the shade. Moreover, come up with fun entertainment for yourself, from which many are not laughing - real little hooligans!
In this volume, which is already the fourth in a row, the main plot revolves around the Trojan War. Funny sketches show the events that led to the confrontation between the Greeks and the Trojans. But the authors do not forget their favorite characters. What excuses can Hercules come up with so as not to perform the feat again, or what else will Tavrik do to drive Zeus out of himself (not on purpose, of course!). Will Odysseus be able to set out on his own voyage? But will Zeus manage to play a trick on the myths himself and what will come of it? All fans of comics will appreciate these and other adventures of Mythyat.
In this volume, readers at the end of the book will find not only a summary of the myths on the basis of which the authors created this comic, but also several games, quizzes that you can immediately go through and test yourself on your knowledge of ancient Greek myths.
Author: Christoph Kaznov
Pages: 56 (coated). Hard cover
Dimensions: 293x217x13mm
Series: Myth
Collection: Comics publishing house "Walk into history"
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-младшего-школьного-возраста, Жанр_мифология-и-религия, Категория_комиксы, Язык_русский