Myth. Behind the scenes of the Odyssey. Volume 6
The usual price $29.95 One of our funniest comic book series continues! Myths do not even think about stopping, because they still have so much to do!
The terrible Cyclops Polyphemus, the insidious sorceress Kirk, the beautiful Calypso, the nightmarish Skilla and Charybdis - who does not know these and many other no less colorful characters of the famous "Odyssey", which tells about the ten-year return home of one of the main characters of the Trojan War! Still not to know, because Homer himself dedicated a whole poem to him ... Only Homer is Homer, and the restless Myths have their own opinion on this matter. Which? Yes, very simple: it was not at all like that. Firstly, Tavrik would never let his friend go alone, the road is long! Secondly, before you sail home from Troy, you need to get to this very Troy. Thirdly ... However, is it worth it to reveal all the cards of this hilariously non-canonical, respectfully parody, entertaining and educational version of the immortal poem from the French authors Larbier and Kaznov?
If your children are not yet familiar with the Odyssey, then after reading these comics, they will definitely want to know how it all really happened. Is it true that Poseidon was so insidious that he always harmed poor Odysseus, are sweet-voiced sirens really so dangerous and much more. And for the most impatient readers, at the end of the book there is a notebook with the main characters of the Odyssey and a summary of the poem. In addition, there is an opportunity to try yourself in the role of Odysseus himself! An adventure game as a gift for everyone who wants to make this dangerous journey himself!
For elementary and middle school age.
Author: Christoph Kaznov
Pages: 54 (coated). Hard cover
Dimensions: 293x217x13mm
Series: Myth
Collection: Comics publishing house "Walk into history"
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-младшего-школьного-возраста, Возраст_для-среднего-школьного-возраста, Жанр_мифология-и-религия, Категория_комиксы, Язык_русский