My first crosswords. Collection for children 6-7 years old

My first crosswords. Collection for children 6-7 years old

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Working with this notebook will help you learn how to determine the place of a sound in a word, name the sounds in order, which means preventing errors in writing. There are two types of crosswords in this notebook.
Type 1 - crossword puzzles in which you need to find a place for the name of each picture, using the word written vertically.
The 2nd type is text crossword puzzles that are guessed using words from the proposed story or poem, in the form in which they are given in the text.
The notebook is full of other tasks for the development of logical thinking, attention and memory. It is designed for the joint work of parents and children.

Authors: Ekaterina Kutsina , Nadezhda Sozonova

Pages: 32 (offset). Soft cover

Dimensions: 240x165x2mm