Insects in comics. Volume 3

Insects in comics. Volume 3

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Tired of sitting at home? Do you want a change of scenery? Great! The authors of the series "Insects in comics" (and these are screenwriters Christophe Kaznov and François Vodarzak, artist Cosby and colorists Alexander Amurik and Mirabelle) are ready to help you and even offer one of their favorite characters - an ant as a travel agent. However, he is only a part-time travel agent, because his main profession is a real estate specialist. Oh, ants like no one know a lot about housing construction! Don't believe? Then open the scientific supplement to the third volume of the series "Insects in comics" and see what heights the ants have reached in this industry. Needless to say, the anthill is a true miracle of engineering, in which everything is thought out, from the security service to the heating system!
Well, in the comic part preceding this, as always, you will find a set of hilarious gags from the life of cheerful (despite all the hardships of insect existence!) Insects and cockroaches. In the third episode of the crazy sitcom, the main roles are assigned to such proven performers as black rove and megariss rider, stag beetle and cabbage centipede, deciduous moth and Asian hornet. Note that the authors try not to get hung up on the stars and always give a chance to the actors of the second plan ... A commendable feature, you must agree! However, let's be honest: it is unlikely that in terms of popular love, the phylloxera or the head louse will compete with the ladybug and rhinoceros beetle!

Pages: 48 (coated). Hard cover

Dimensions: 293x216x10mm

Series: Insects in comics

Collection: Comics publishing house "Walk into history"