Insects in comics. Volume 4
The usual price $29.95Insects are all around us. What do they eat, how do they sleep, how do they hunt and protect themselves? Christophe Kaznov and François Vodarzak decided to answer these and many other questions about insects, using all their knowledge and humor to help. Keeping a strict scientific approach, the authors made their six-legged characters laugh, cry, tell jokes, quote Star Wars and remember the First World War. Before you unfold pictures of ruthless wars, mysterious transformations, sophisticated methods of hunting and no less amazing methods of protection.
You will learn why fireflies glow, how many dots a ladybug has on its back, and what the stick insect is afraid of. And they will tell you about it! Yes, yes, one of the chapters of this book is called: "Do insects speak?" What a question - of course they say! Truth in its own way... Fortunately, over the years of work on this 4-volume series, the authors managed to learn the language of insects so much that they were able to perfectly translate their colorful stories into human! And for better assimilation of the material (which, we recall, is based solely on true facts), there is a test at the end of the book, all the answers to which can be found on its pages - it is enough to show a modicum of attention.
But that's not all! The book ends with a detailed lecture on such, frankly speaking, burning topic for insects as mimicry and camouflage. It is important to note that the authors did not make a gag, and as the main speaker they invited a specialist - an ant, who approached the matter with all responsibility and even called for help his friends, real professionals: blueberry, birch moth, dirty predator, leafworm and many, many others. Who knows, but they know their business!
Pages: 48 (coated). Hard cover
Dimensions: 293x216x10mm
Series: Insects in comics
Collection: Comics publishing house "Walk into history"
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-младшего-школьного-возраста, Жанр_насекомые, Жанр_о-животных-и-о-природе, Жанр_познавательные-комиксы, Категория_комиксы, Язык_русский