Alone at home. Cooking without mom and grandma
Alone at home. Cooking without mom and grandma
Alone at home. Cooking without mom and grandma
Alone at home. Cooking without mom and grandma
Alone at home. Cooking without mom and grandma
Alone at home. Cooking without mom and grandma

Alone at home. Cooking without mom and grandma

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Have you invited guests and are going to surprise them with some dish? Or do you want to make dinner to please tired parents who have returned from work? Then you are not wrong to open this book: it is designed to teach you how to cook.

From the book you will learn how to quickly and tasty prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner, bake cookies and make tea, what to serve on the festive table and how to decorate these dishes. In addition to recipes, the book contains many tips, entertaining stories about food and other useful information.

So, take a book, put on an apron and start cooking. Bon appetit! Pages: 192 (offset). Hardcover Dimensions: 190x250 mm