Olga Zemtsova: Right-left, up-down. 1-2 years
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With the help of this book, kids will master spatial concepts (top-bottom, left-right, near-far, and others), learn to use prepositions of place (in, on, under, in front) in speech. Be sure to teach your baby to use spatial concepts in everyday life. Pay attention to the correct agreement of nouns with prepositions. Encourage your child to speak. It is good if he himself tells how the objects are located on the page, using full sentences.
Author: Olga Zemtsova
Pages: 16 (offset). Soft cover
Dimensions: 254x199x2mm
Series: Smart books 1-2 years
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-самых-маленьких, Жанр_развивающие-пособия, Категория_обучалки-и-развлекалки, Язык_русский