School of the Seven Dwarfs: Time, Space. For children from 4 to 5 years old

School of the Seven Dwarfs: Time, Space. For children from 4 to 5 years old

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The book "Time, Space" of the developing series "School of the Seven Dwarfs" will teach kids 4-5 years old to navigate in time and space.
It is necessary to start acquaintance with the book from the "Parent Page", it is printed on the inside cover of the book.
It describes what a child should know by the age of 4, and what skills a child can develop by studying with this book.
With the help of this manual, children will be able to learn the concepts of "yesterday" and "today", "right" and "left", "top to bottom", "backward" and much more.
The child will also learn to use the concepts: "closer", "further", "close", "far".
In the book you will find tasks for attention, memory, development of fine motor skills of hands, as well as games and tasks with stickers.
Completed the task - choose and stick a funny sticker at the bottom of the sheet.
And at the end of the book - an incentive prize: three gold stars.
In addition, the book contains didactic cards that will help the child remember the sequence and characteristics of the seasons.
The book develops complex thinking, allows you to explore space and time in a playful way, and prepare your hand for writing.

Pages: 16 (offset). Soft cover

Dimensions: 290x215x2 mm

Series: School of the Seven Dwarfs 4-5 years