A popular logic game that requires thoughtfulness and patience.
Tangram are squares divided into 7 different parts. The set includes 125 double-sided cards. Each card has a bordered side where the figure to be folded is depicted, and the other side is a hint.
Purpose of the game: to fold the figures using 7 parts of your tangram.
Game progress: The child must take tangrams, and add the figures shown on the cards from them. First, he looks only at the side of the card where the figure is depicted, then he tries to fold the figure. When he thinks that the figure is folded, you can turn the card over and check if he folded the figure correctly. If he fails to fold the figure, he looks at the hint, and then moves on to another card.
Contents: tangram, 125 double-sided cards (task figure/hint), game rules.
Age: 7-12