Vincent Brockvielle: Art. Illustrated atlas
The usual price $59.95 Price after a discount $49.95/
From Mesopotamian tablets to digital photography, from early Christian mosaics to Impressionist paintings, from Renaissance masterpieces to outrageous installations of the 21st century, this book covers the main stages of art history.
Great works of art against the background of the most important historical events.
A variety of art schools, movements, styles and genres.
Traditions and innovation: features of the individual style of great masters.
Close-up masterpieces of art with detailed comments.
Alphabetical index.
Author: Vincent Brockvielle
Pages: 168 (coated). Hardcover
Dimensions: 343x275x16 mm
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-взрослых, Жанр_искусство, Жанр_история, Категория_нон-фикшн, Язык_русский