Questions and answers about animals. book with windows
The usual price $29.95 "Questions and answers about animals" - a new exciting book with doors!
How interesting it is to explore the world around, to learn new facts about the world around us! In this book you can find even more pictures and fun facts about animals. Also, the child will be able to find answers to the most unusual questions about the life of animals, their habits, appearance.
All images, secret windows and texts are made large, so that even a small child would be interested to look under each sash. The books in this series are great for little ones.
Pages: 14. Cardboard
Dimensions: 280x225 mm
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-дошкольников, Жанр_книжки-с-окошками, Жанр_о-животных-и-о-природе, Жанр_энциклопедии, Категория_нон-фикшн, Язык_русский