The focus is on poisonous and poisonous creatures, so scary and interesting!
In this book, the topic that is always relevant for children - animals and facts about them - appears in an unusual and exciting perspective. It turns out that in the wild there are many sophisticated ways to poison the victim: needles, stings, fangs, poisonous spurs, armpit glands and even saliva...
Author Iko Romero is a former contributor to the American Museum of Natural History. In this book, she shares unique facts. The child learns a lot about a variety of animals that use poisons: about fish, birds, snakes and insects - as well as about poisons and antidotes, about the features of life in the wild, about the most sophisticated ways to poison the victim and what an amazing profession - toxicologist.
Author: Iko Romero
Pages: 44 (offset). Hard cover
Dimensions: 298x245x9 mm