Академическая скука vs. задор и веселье

Academic boredom vs. enthusiasm and fun

I really like going to museums, but that’s just now, and as a child I was frankly bored there. And I’m not the only one, we were languishing as a whole class, but it was a shame to admit our low level of cultural development, so when asked “Did you like it?” everyone answered “Yes!”, and to further questions “What did you like, what did you remember, what did you tell?” everyone hung up in unison, and after a hitch they blurted out something just to fall behind.

At school we went to museums after classes, did you too? If so, then you probably remember this feeling when, having studied six lessons, without really having lunch, you travel in a crowd on public transport, walk through the halls of the museum with backpacks full of textbooks, and a guide (maybe even a good one) says something (maybe even something interesting), but there are twenty of you, everyone has more pressing problems than the play of light and shadow in a birch grove on a hot afternoon, everyone is dreary, hungry, and has shoe covers on their feet, and nowhere to sit...

In general, now I try to make a trip to the museum a pleasant and memorable event for both myself and my child. We go there in the first half of the day, when we are both still full of energy, and afterwards we always go to relax and eat a cake in a cafe to consolidate the pleasant impressions of the time spent.

We spend no more than an hour in the museum: then everything begins to tire, and interest quickly fades away. In particular, all of the above applies, of course, to art museums - with modern scientific ones everything is simpler, children find it easy and interesting there, but art galleries still reek of boredom.

Therefore, a few days before the trip, we begin to prepare the ground: we take out an art album or a set of postcards, look at them and discuss them, and then in the museum we organize a “Find the Painting” game. By the way, if you buy two identical sets of postcards, you can play the game “Memo”, beloved by many children, with paintings by great artists.

If we can’t prepare in advance, we improvise on the spot. For example, we look at the picture from afar, discuss it and try to guess the name. What’s interesting is that we almost always guess or are very close to the correct answer.

We really love the game in the style of the books “Find and Show”: we approach the picture and take turns telling each other the details: “Find the club.” "Find the arrow." "Find the mitten." “Find the stirrup.” A? Can you guess what picture I'm talking about? And for some large canvases there are also sketches by the artist - so, it’s also interesting to look for these fragments on the whole.

And recently, after looking through an album on expressionism and being inspired by bright colors, we ourselves tried to draw a picture in a given style. Neither the child nor I are artists, so we didn’t take risks - we chose the works of Jackson Pollock to imitate. You know, I think we succeeded...

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