One day my husband, vigorously and sincerely admiring some small achievement of mine, said: “Well, you are my golden wife! Just golden, there’s nowhere to put samples!” I was taken aback and silently stared at him. He, sensing something was wrong, timidly asked: “Well, where should I put the sample? Not on the forehead?” Of course, I explained the meaning of the saying to him, but I wrote this mistake down in my special notebook (I don’t remember the bad things, I just write everything down).
Later, in some situation, the husband exclaimed in surprise: “So this is what “dog in the manger” means! But I thought the dog was lying in the manger - it felt good, cozy, soft." Then the mistake was crossed out from the notebook, and the title of master of proverbs was firmly assigned to the husband in our family.
And when we bought ourselves a book, “Where winged words fly,” which explains the meaning and origin of phraseological units, we decided that it would be much more fun not just to read it all in a row, but to first give our own explanations of idioms, and then read them , how it really is. On vacation, we took this book to a restaurant for breakfast, and while we were waiting for our dishes, we managed to deconstruct a couple of popular expressions.
For example, my son asks us what is “register Izhitsa”? I thought it was to consolidate some kind of agreement in writing. My husband suggested that this means completing the training to the very end (because Izhitsa was the last letter of the Slavic alphabet). The son reads: “To register Izhitsa” meant “to flog, to tear out.” It turns out that this Izhitsa was prescribed for... But I won’t spoil it, find out for yourself :)
In general, with this book we spent many interesting minutes in the restaurant instead of sitting staring at our phones. Sometimes they really tried to guess the meaning of the expression, sometimes they simply competed in wit and played the fool.
"Filka's letter": well, probably this is when in "Good night, kids!" Filya teaches children the alphabet. That is, something very simple that can be explained even to a child is called filkin literacy.
"Hell crazy": I know, I know! This is to put your fingers to your forehead like horns and pounce on the enemy like a jack-in-the-box.
Well, everything like that. Of course, everyone knows the meaning of most idioms, but the origin will most likely surprise you. So, Ivan the Terrible himself is involved in the story with the Filka letter, and in the “headlong” incident - edged weapons.
In this book there are more than a hundred phraseological units - there is where to practice inventiveness, and there is something to learn and remember.
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