If you answered “yes” to this question, we advise you to read the book “You Can Do More Than You Think.” It describes ways to use your intelligence in all its manifestations, and how to use it to make life better and richer.
Are you good at music? Great! Music will help improve your math skills!
Do you know how to find a common language with people? This means that it should be used in sports activities.
Can't draw at all? It’s okay, because you can learn this by using your talents in the language field.
If you answered the question evasively, we advise you to read the book “You Can Do More Than You Think.” Thanks to her, you will definitely find the strong sides of your mind; You will be convinced that intelligence is not only the ability to count well or remember facts, but also sports achievements, creativity, communication with other people, and in general, intelligence has as many as 9 manifestations, each of which we are all endowed with to one degree or another! Sounds encouraging, doesn't it?
The book “You Can Do More Than You Think” is aimed primarily at teenagers, but if your child doesn’t want to read it, read it yourself, and you will understand how to channel his talents (and you will see that he has numerous talents!) in the right direction.
And here are ideas about what profession you can choose based on your inclinations.
This book will also teach you to see the good in others and understand the uniqueness of each individual.
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